As we browse down the pet aisle at the grocery or pet store, we are bombarded with shelves after shelves of different dog food brands with all of them saying that THEY are the ones providing the best nutrients for your loving mutts.
So how do we (as loving and responsible dog owners who just want the best for our furry little friends) differentiate between all the pet food companies so we can provide the best diet for our mutts? While most dogs are different and require different types of nutrients, below are some general tips as to what to keep in mind when shopping for a good dog food brand:
- Read the labels - While the cheapest brands or the cutest dog food bag can be very appealing to us consumers, these companies may not always have the best nutritional value to their products. It is essential to read the labels on the bag that interests you to see if the product truly has a well-balanced diet of whole meats, vegetables, fruits, grains, and a high-quality source of dietary fats.
- Dog Allergies & Needs - If your dog has certain allergies to certain types of foods, it's important to NOT feed them anything that would make their allergies worse. Skin and coat problems are common among mutts. So one way to help with this is to eliminate products like chicken, beef, lamb, corn, soy, wheat, egg, and dairy and replace them with plenty of vitamins and fatty acids (or fish oils).
- Feeding Amount - Depending on the age and situation of your mutts, it's also important to monitor the feeding amount for your dogs. Old mutts and mutts who have been neutered usually require less food to avoid obesity since their metabolisms and activity levels have gone down.
Keep your mutts happy, healthy, and hearty!