Does your mutts eat their own or some other dog's poop? As disgusting and abnormal as this may sound, dogs sometimes will eat feces for a variety of reasons. Go through the list below and see if you can pin point which reasons may apply to your cute and loving mutt:
- Malnutrition - A lot of times when dogs are not getting enough nutrients and/or vitamin deficiencies, they resort to eating their poop. Some pups go grow rapidly and their appetites may increase at a fast speed too, so keep an eye out for how much you're suppose to be feeding your mutts.
- Parasites - If you feel like you're feeding your mutts plenty of healthy foods but they are still behaving this way, you should consider visiting the vet to check for parasites. Parasites can be a cause for possible malnutrition.
- Health Conditions - Dogs that have health conditions like diabetes or thyroid disease are more prone to eating poop. In this situation, consult your trusted vet on how to properly treat their health conditions to help stop the unwanted behavior.
- Get Attention - Some mutts will resort to chewing on poop as a way to get attention from you when they are bored or as a way of "acting out" if they were recently punished. In this case, make some more time to walk and play with your dogs so they are not thinking about eating poop.
- Copy Cats - Mom dogs will a lot of times eat their newborns' poop for nutrients. So another possibility could be that the new pups are just copying their mother's behavior as a way of exploring different things. Proper training would be a way to overcome the poop-eating in this scenario.
Keeping your mutts happy, healthy, and hearty!