Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Benefits to Walking a Dog on a Treadmill

While the best method to exercising your dog is by taking a walk outside three times a day, we all know that the chances of that happening everyday for twelve or fifteen years is not realistic. Dog owners may be too busy, may have physical limitations, may run into extreme weather conditions, and/or are just too lazy to do so. Whatever the reason, getting your dog exercise is still better than having them sit around all day and doing nothing.

Even though you shouldn't replace this method permanently with going out for walks, having your mutts exercise on a treadmill can be a temporary option to get your dogs to move. If you have a high energy dog that needs more than three-times-a-day walk and you (for whatever reason) cannot provide that, then the treadmill can also be a really good addition. Sometimes treadmill exercises are also essential to helping a dog rehabilitate from an injury or aging. To find out what types of treadmills are best for your mutts, visit

A lot of times shelters would use a treadmill to help walk their dogs because their are either short-staffed or need to help drain the energy from their hyper mutts. Taking care of a dog is a long-term commitment, so making sure that your mutts are healthy through exercise is the key to a happy and well-balanced dog.

Keep your mutts happy, healthy, and hearty!

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